





"World Origami Artists' Exhibition
August 18th. 2000 - October 15th. 2000

An exhibition of works by origami artists around the world, produced by Origami House, was held in the Harmo Museum by the Lake Suwa in the Nagano Prefecture, Japan. This special exhibition was exceptional in that all the artworks exhibited were placed in such a way that they turned out perfectly harmonious with the museum's regular exhibition of paintings. The exhibition was different from those exhibitions we had before, and each artwork could be fully enjoyed and appreciated, many visitors liked the way they were exhibited.
The exhibition had works by origami artists from United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Italy and Japan. This by itself proves that "Origami" is a shared cultural heritage of the world.
The origami artworks there were of various types, from simple to complex and from geographical to artistic.

Japanese people still tend to regard origami as children's play. However, this is not true worldwide. Currently, there are various associations and groups of origami in various parts of the world, and there are increasing numbers of origami artist-to-be. Origami is a way of communication which crosses cultural and linguistic boundaries, as we can see in origami conventions held worldwide.

We hope you will enjoy and appreciate fine origami artworks from various parts of the world.

The exterior of Harmo Museum

The Brochure

The Exhibition, "World Origami Artists' Exhibition" was produced by Yamaguchi Makoto, representative of Gallery Origami House. The project, a planner is Harmo Museum, received a commission from the Ministry of Education.
He has continued to make a friendly relations with many Folders and Enthusiasts all over the World.
It can be called his one of the dreams come true.

山口 真(やまぐち まこと)
Yamaguchi Makoto

1944年、東京生まれ。日本折紙協会事務局員を経て折り紙作家として活躍。1989年、折り紙専門に常設している「ギャラリーおりがみはうす」を開設。折り紙界交流の場として若手作家の育成に尽力するかたわら、海外の折り紙団体、作家とも精力的に交流を持つ。日本折紙学会評議員兼事務局長。日本折紙協会理事。OrigamiUSA会員。British Origami Society会員。

He was born in Tokyo, Japan, in 1944. He established Gallery Origami House in 1989. He has given supported to encourage young folders.
He is a member of board of directors of JOAS. He is also a secretary-general of JOAS.
He is a member of B.O.S and OrigamiUSA

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